Mar 30, 2024

Wellness tourism is booming, and the hospitality industry has been taking notice. Travelers today are frequently prioritizing experiences that enhance their overall wellness and won’t disrupt their current health journeys. This pursuit of wellness, along with a craving for unique trips, has started to transform the landscape of hotels and resorts.

Hotels that cater to this shift and emerging wellness travel trends stand to gain a loyal customer base, increase revenue, and stand out in the fiercely competitive hospitality industry. In fact, The Global Wellness Institute says that the wellness tourism market is expected to grow more than any other wellness sector, increasing by about 20.9% to become a $1.1 billion industry by 2025!

Here's a look at the newest hospitality trends that are shaping the future of wellness tourism and how it’s befitting hotels and guests around the world:

Cold Therapy and Beyond: Elevating Fitness Facilities

Forget the standard gym equipment – today's travelers seek cutting-edge experiences. Hotels are responding by now incorporating wellness practices like contrast therapy into their fitness facilities. Now, cold plunge tubs, saunas, and flotation tanks are becoming increasingly common in wellness hotels and resorts.

take the plunge

These innovative enhancements not only attract fitness-conscious travelers but also elevate their trips. Guests have more unique ways to rejuvenate their minds or help their bodies recover post-workout. Whether it’s for business or fun, travelers no longer have to worry about interruptions in their wellness journey.

Healthier and Accessible Food Options

Modern vacationers and tourists are more health-conscious than ever and seek healthy dining options even while traveling. Catering to dietary restrictions is no longer a niche offering just for luxury hotels. More hotels of every price point are offering a range of plant-based, gluten-free, and allergy-friendly dining choices. This attracts a broader clientele and hotels can establish themselves as inclusive wellness destinations.

Additionally, by partnering with nearby farms and chefs, sourcing organic ingredients, and offering diverse menus for all dietary preferences, these hotels attract wellness-minded visitors. Guests will appreciate the variety and focus on fresh ingredients, while hotels benefit from creating one-of-a-kind experiences that go for premium prices.

Elevated In-Room Features

Hotel rooms aren’t just places to sleep — they’re transforming into destinations for privacy and rejuvenation. More wellness hotels are now focusing on enhancing in-room features for wellness travelers, encouraging guests to fully unwind and recharge. 

By crafting private sanctuaries that foster relaxation and self-care, these hotels offer guests an immersive experience beyond the traditional amenities. Whether it’s organic mattresses, steam showers, or workout equipment such as yoga mats and hand weights, these upgraded in-room features help to create the ultimate wellness trip for guests seeking a bit more privacy.

Spa Experiences and Preventative Wellness 

The spa has long been a symbol of relaxation and indulgence. However, according to a 2023 Hilton report, 50% of those surveyed believe their trips must address their mental or physical wellness. In response, hotels have added another level to wellness tourism by transforming their luxurious spas into destinations for preventative treatments. 

heat up your wellness standard and XL Plunge sauna

From holistic healing rituals to customized spa treatments based on individual needs, these services can attract wellness-focused guests willing to pay a premium for preventative care. By focusing on total well-being and self-care with their spa offerings, these hotel spas enjoy increased revenue streams along with happier guests who are more likely to return.

The Decision to Invest in Enhanced Wellness Hospitality

Hotels that adopt hospitality trends like cold therapy, healthier dining, tech-driven personalization, upgraded room amenities, and preventative spa services aren't just keeping up — they're standing out in a competitive market. Attracting guests with the must-have wellness amenities isn't just about staying relevant — it's about shaping the future of hospitality with a new focus on health!

Learn more about how a Plunge or sauna can make your property a top pick for wellness travelers!